Platform Features

Features are crucial elements of an ecommerce system. With Inga Merchant Solutions, the features are not just nice to have; they set your shop apart from its competition. Sometimes they even make the difference between a profitable and infeasible business.

Every feature on our platform is carefully designed and engineered. We make sure that the features are not just shining bells and whistles but also effective tools that truly punch their weight.

Our competitors may claim they have similar features, but what's missing from the imitations will show in your loss of profit and growth.

It is also worth noting that our features do not slow down the system. A traditional plugin, addon or app system, on the other hand, weighs down the system quickly to the point of a grinding halt.

Rich, accurate product dimensions

Product classification is the very first step to setting up a shop. The more the platform understands the diversity, distribution and inter-relations of your products, the more effective every other component can be.

A key to quality classification is the selection of rich and accurate dimensions, or attributes. Products such as Shopify do not have real dimensions. In addition, the total number of Shopify's simulated dimensions is limited. Magento and WooCommerce, on the other hand, use a generic architecture that does not scale. In theory one can painstakingly jump through the hoops and eventually enter all the dimensions, but in reality high dimensionality has a crippling performance impact on Magento and WooCommerce.

Faceted navigation

Our interactive search, also known as Faceted Navigation, summarizes product dimensions in a high performance and flexible manner. In contrast to competitor's imitation, our search shows proper refinement counts. Furthermore, it supports advanced features such as nested dimensions, multi-select, cross-record type pivoting. Our team will explain to you all the options during setup.


For customers who have varying delivery fees, schedule and availability in different geographic regions, our zoning module works like a charm. Instead of using tedious lists of postal codes and rules, you can mark the precise boundary of each delivery zone.

Versatile collections


Pairing with parts and services


Free to use any payment processor


Custom shipping and taxes


Latency-optimized deployment


Member portal and whole-sale


Multiple warehouses


Smart blogging


Supplier and inventory management


Peripheral integration


Automated stationary


Comprehensive back office
